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Showing posts from October, 2017

Places Head Lice Are Most Common

One of the worst things about lice is that you don’t know where they come from. Do they live in space and attack the earth on a bi-annual  basis? Or are they created by some mad scientist in a laboratory, far away in Antarctica? Whatever the case is, it seems there’s not much people know about how lice behave and breed. Most people believe that lice love unclean hair, and anyone who has lice does not take care of their hygiene. But the truth is, you can contract lice anywhere, at any given time. For these pesky critters, how clean—or unclean—your hair is, doesn’t matter. They love to perch on the human scalp, where they can feast on human blood. But there are some places that they love to hangout every day, throughout week. Here are a few places they like to lurk: Movie Theatres This is probably confusing, but true. Movie theaters are a haven for head lice because everyone sits closely. The seating arrangement makes it possible for people to sit in close proximation.

Common Hair Problems and Their Solutions

From frizzy hair to dry, itchy scalp, who hasn’t had problems with their hair? Trying to cover up a bald patch with eyeliner, or struggling to create a style that suits you; we’ve all been there. But when the going gets tough, you want to find quick and efficient solutions. The first thing that comes to our mind is searching for solutions online. But as helpful as the internet is, it’s also a double-edged sword. Whether you’ve been a victim of the unpredictable weather or deceiving hair care products, preventing your hair from damage is imperative. Take a look at the list of most common hair problems and their solutions: Heat-Damaged Hair Over the summer, we’ve all basked under the sun. Frolicking on the beach, without a care in the world, we made sure to take precautionary measurements to protect our skin, applying heaps of sunscreen and wearing sunglasses. Unfortunately, we often forget that our hair is just as important as our skin. The sun’s rays can damage no

Of Lice and Men: How to Deal With Head Lice as a Guy

Often times, when we think of head lice, we picture a beautiful little girl who is struggling to get rid of the pesky critters from her luscious locks. We often picture desperate mothers who resort to whatever remedy they can find onlinein order to help save their daughter’s hair. While there’s nothing wrong with that imagery, we often forget that men too are victims of these troublesome parasites. Whether you’re rocking a short bob, or a long mane, lice don’t have a preference. For these critters, there’s only one thing that’s important: human blood . Dealing with Head Lice as a Guy While there are all sorts of solutions online for protecting long hair, beautiful hair, there are barely any for men! This is because one of our first thoughts after looking for online remedies is, “ It’s better to go bald ”. While shaving off your hair may be a solution, it’s a temporary one. When your hair grows back, there’s no guarantee that there won’t be a re-infestation. The